Social Commerce is Social Media Marketing ROI
Allen Bonde at 1 to 1 Media wrote last week that the role commerce plays in the content marketing world of social media. In his post, Moving From Content Marketing to Social Commerce, Bonde introduces an idea that I love.
Here’s my take on what Bonde is saying.
Bonde introduces the concept that product is content and one of the many pieces of shareable content that makes social media relevant to today’s business. Commerce allows a business to actually measure true dollar value of activity on social networks.
Bond outlines two key reasons why adding product to the content marketing mix on social media is a potent way to grow your business (get the consultation from the SEO company in Toronto to find out more details).
Shared content and experiences (drive social) commerce.
This shouldn’t come as any surprise. Humans are pack animals and if you have any doubt that purchase decisions are more and more being informed by our social networks, check out this video from Eric Qualman on the Social Media Revolution.
Commerce creates community, which drives demand for more content.
Bonde’s point here touches on the cyclical nature of all social media, content marketing endeavors. That the job is never finished and one action increases demand for other actions creating a marketing experience that is exponentially ongoing.
Add to the mix Facebook’s addition of frictionless sharing and social commerce is about to get a whole lot more interesting in the months and years ahead.
So a working ROI model for social media would look like:
total commerce/cost of activity(acquisition)
Sure, that’s overly simplified but it’s a starting point, right?
A version of this appeared on the Four51 blog.
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